Understanding the red flags: Signs of intimate partner violence explained by an expert

Understanding the red flags: Signs of intimate partner violence explained by an expert

May 9, 20241 min read

Intimate partner violence is a serious and widespread issue that affects millions of individuals every year. It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the red flags and signs of intimate partner violence in order to prevent further harm and provide support to those in need.

Angela Hattery, professor of women and gender studies at the University of Delaware and co-director of its Center for the Study & Prevention of Gender-

Based Violence, can speak on these flags. 

"When we think about the warning signs, especially for progressing to lethal

violence, the absolute top early warning sign is strangulation,” Hattery recently said to The 19th, a nonprofit newsroom focused on women and LGBTQ+ people.

In an article on the recent passing of O.J. Simpson, she noted that "the Simpson trial was a missed opportunity" and "While the nation debated Simpson’s guilt or innocence, it overlooked the signs of intimate partner violence that his wife had reported before her murder."

Hattery's expertise has appeared in a number of outlets including The Conversation and New York Public Radio, an NPR affiliate.  She can be reached by clicking her "View Profile" button. 

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  • Angela Hattery
    Angela Hattery Professor, Women and Gender Studies; Co-Director, Center for Study & Prevention of GBV

    Prof. Hattery teaches courses on race and gender inequality, families, and methods.

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